Saturday, February 4, 2012

Your Patience Has Finally Been Rewarded, A Blogger I Am!

Here I sit, on the second best Eve of the year (which could be bumped to the top spot whence Hallmark declares Super Bowl Eve a gift giving holiday) entering the blogosphere. Thank me later you probably won't (I know parentheses are annoying but I feel compelled to tell you now I uncontrollably phrase things like Yoda. Often. Very Often. Along with waving my hand like a Jedi when passing through automatic doors)
Why am I doing this? Honestly, I don't rightfully know. I'm not witty. I spell horribly. My sentence structure is that of a Third grader. I seldom see a thought through to fruition. I've enjoyed reading a couple blogs written by friends, The Transformed Nonconformist by Brett Minor and In Shane's Brain by Shane Morgan. They read like they were fun to write. I figured since, like Jack Handy, I have deep thoughts, why not?
I may be heading towards 40 but I haven't really Matured past 13. I enjoy sports, video games, music, and pop culture. Those are the things that we'll kick around here most. Occasionally, I'll put on my big boy britches and talk about world events and politics when warranted. Hopefully, that will be at a minimum. Readers can find doom, gloom, and Obama (they go together like rama lama lama kadinga dadinga dong) anywhere.


  1. Welcome to my world. Great first blog. I look forward to many more.

  2. Sweet. Hopefully I can agree with most of what you post, and argue with the rest.

  3. Looking forward to what you have to say.
