Thursday, February 23, 2012

Episode II: Earl Hickey Lies

Last time we left our heroes (hey, it’s my story I’ll call us what I please) the Creed concert in St Louis had been cancelled, the dog was in hiding, and the quest to take Trey to his first concert was in jeopardy. However, BJ Thomas was coming to the DuQuion State fair, maybe he needs the emotional scarring I suffered there many years ago watching the Oak Ridge Boys. Will fate save Trey from the horror that could befall him?

As we waited to see how things would shake out, the noise from Trey’s room vanished and was replaced with . . . gasp . . . MUSIC. He had read the Mark Tremonti ditched his lessons and felt he needed to do the same. I figured,  ‘There goes retirement plan number 1, I better get him involved in something else to make the old man money’.  Unbeknownst to the old man, he was staying up late learning songs on the Internet and the racket he was creating turned into actual songs! Maybe he'll make me rich after all. That is the point of having kids in the first place, to sponge off them in old age.

As we moved into Christmas, he got the Creed Full Circle DVD. We watched it and felt like we really missed out. Normally, I’d search out the dog but we had come to an understanding; if he would stay in his corner, I’d stay in mine. He would continue to live another day no matter the daily debacles I faced. Plus, Jen had made it perfectly clear that the dog had preferred status over me. Which made me want to seek him out more but our couch is REALLY uncomfortable to sleep on. If you think I’m a hideous beast and you should look away, you should see me after a few days on the couch. Not good at all. I need my beauty sleep. 

Sometime after the New Year, I read an interview with Flip or Brian, maybe both, (I’m old and can barely remember yesterday) and they, or him, (dang you old age!) said they planned on more spring/summer dates. Heck yes! We’re back in business!

The dates were finally released (I say finally because I stalked the crap out of the web waiting for info/ news/ dates) and  . . .WHAT . . . NOTHING CLOSE? Hey dog, stay put ‘cause that couch is doable for a night! DRATS!! Foiled again. Bummer. Trey, being smart and not as unstable as his old man looked again. He came out a few minutes later and mocked my feeble state.

‘You did see they are in Indy on your weekend off in August?’
‘You noticed that tickets are on sale on a day your off?’
‘If I didn’t notice they were in Indy, do you really think I noticed when tickets went on sale?’
‘Probably not, cause your old. You know we can go and stay with Aunt Angie.’
‘Yeah . . . good call grasshopper, you still can’t snatch the stone from my hand though. Whippersnapper.’

Now, all we had to do was knocked dates off the calendar. We can’t get denied again. I watch My Name is Earl, I do good things, so like Carson Daily says good things should happen in return. Karma biotches.

Thursday night, T and I are packing to leave and the phone rings. Our Grandmother had passed away unexpectedly. Really.  Looks like it may not be meant to be. Earl lies.

Tune in next time for the riveting, rambling, incoherent conclusion of our quest to see Creed.


  1. Well, it keeps me coming back. I almost asked Trey Wednesday night, but thought that would spoil the fun.

  2. Thanks for reading guys!
    Brett, if you do so approach with caution. Much like the sasquatch, he spooks easily. never to be seen again.
